About The Stronger Strobe On The Stars Which Has Crossette In 4.0New Version!

I find a serious problem that it haven’t been solved.Thats the problem of the crossette.When you first add an peony effect,then add a crossette on it,with no crack and no speed,you will have an flash effect.
the problem is,all the flash that in reality never exist tiny strobe on the original colourful stars.
Please have a choice that to let the crossette not to strobeing!!!As quickly as you can,i have to put off all the creating of the effect!!!


thanks for your message. In v4 we made the Crossette strobe, and I understand that this interfers with some of your effects.

I have received your effect files via private message and will be responding to you there!

Best Regards,

We have implemented a hidden configuration option in the latest update

Here’s how to use it:

  1. start FWsim, and update it to version (If you are on Steam, the update is automatic. If you installed FWsim outside of Steam, you can update by clicking Help → Check for Updates)
  2. close FWsim again
  3. open the folder Documents / FW-Sim
  4. find the file “user.xml” and right-click, select “edit with notepad”
  5. find the line that says “<CrossetteFlickers>true</CrossetteFlickers>
  6. change the word true to false
  7. save the file
  8. start FWsim again

Now Crossette will look like in the older v3.