After having worked a lot on a number of products for FWsim, we can hereby tell you that the effects of XENA have been made and will be made public around december.
The package will contain shells, cakes, mines and commets.
Highest caliber is `6
hola buenas tardes, estoy muy contento con mi programa FWsim, estaría perfecto que hubiera una actualización para poder manipular los grados de los efectos desde la pantalla y en las posiciones de 360ª poner los efectos y poder seleccionarlos para ponerle el grado total que se requiera y se colocaran en automático, en lo particular a mi no me importaría pagar por actualización ya que esto agilizaría mucho al hacer los diseños, claro que lo pagaríamos los que estuviéramos interesados en las actualizaciones que nos interesaran, gracias por su atención y saludos a toda la familia FWsim un gran programa de diseño
@artifuegos Thanks for your message. I don’t speak Spanish very well, but used translation software to read your request:
hello good afternoon, I am very happy with my FWsim program, it would be perfect if there was an update to be able to manipulate the degrees of the effects from the screen and in the positions of 360ª put the effects and to be able to select them to put the total degree that is required and they were placed in automatic, in particular I would not mind paying for update since this would speed up a lot when making the designs, of course we would pay for those who were interested in the updates that interested us, thanks for your attention and greetings to all the FWsim family a great design program.
Unfortunately I don’t quite understand your request. Could you post an image illustrating what you mean?
I think he means that you can adjust the placed effects with 5 different types in one fell swoop.
Now you have to click on an effect each time and then -25.00 enter and then click again on the other effect and again -25.00 enter.
It would be useful if you could select the effects and then enter all effects -25.00 at once.
(for example if you want shells and mines to go in the same direction)