Explo Flamejet Export

Hi, I just saw the Explo website. But the thing is, which one? Another thing is, how can I translate to English (it’s German)?

WEBSITE: ShowCreator | Explo IGNsystems GmbH

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it has a language option on the top right

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I’m not quite sure what your question is. What are you trying to do?#

This is the website of Explo. They make the Explo firing system and the X2 Wave Flamer, which is now supported in FWsim. If you own Explo devices, you can purchase their Show Creator software. You can then export your show from FWsim to the Show Creator, and from the Show Creator to the system in the field.

Best Regards,

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By doing some flame effects for my future shows.

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I understand, so you want to include Explo Waveflamers in your show.

At which point are you experiencing problems? Do you have trouble visualizing them in FWsim? Or is there trouble as you try to export the data?

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The language is in German, but I really didn’t understand it where I can change the English language.

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on my side the link is in English, it is possible to change it in the language option at the top right.

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No, I mean after downloading the software.

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So that’s another problem! But why do you want the software when you can do it directly in Fwsim?

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I watched the tutorial already, but the thing is, there is no “Explo Flamejet” export in the DMX at “Type” section.

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do you have FWsim beta 3.5.108 ?

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No. The latest update

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I see. For the new Flamejet features, you will need the latest beta.

Please open preferences, then go to “updates” and select the beta option. Then open the help menu and click check for updates. This will install the latest beta and then you have access to the latest features.

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