External script to make ghost shells / stars "copy and rotate"

So, while many in the community are waiting for a proper implementation of Ghost Shells, many Japanese and Chinese people are already making wonders thanks to external file editing.

I found a way to at least make the pattern of a circular shell, and it’s not difficult. But as I am not a programmer, I can only make the basic shape and motion of the pattern. Does anyone know a method or a spreadsheet which can be used to actually copy and rotate these rings/half rings along a sphere in order to create the proper shell? If this is possible, then it becomes easy to make proper ghost shells.

Examples of the patterns I created (very simple ones)



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how exactly did you make these

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It’s not difficult, but it takes a bit of time.
Basically, you use the “mine” shape with 1 star. Then, you prepare this star as the initial one (if you want to add tails to simulate the explosion, fake smoke, etc.). The next step is to duplicate the star (ctrl+c and ctrl+v) and, at this point, change the rotation. This depends on how many stars you want for your fireworks. For a detailed one, I used 10-degree increments.
Then, you need to think about the “pattern” or “animation”. In the first video I want to make a very simple pattern with colour shifting in four staggered parts, while in the second video, there is a white flash pattern.
With this in mind, keep duplicating stars until you reach half of a circle.
The next part is… actually making the sphere, but this is the part where I admit my ignorance. Some people in Japan and China use spreadsheets to make this happen, but I have absolutely zero clue about where to find these.


That looks nice. Can you make it in sphere, and how the method is working?

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No, that’s exactly my issue. I do not know how this can be possible, that’s why I opened this thread and I hope to find a solution.

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OK. “Custom Shape” distribution is the easiest way to rotate the stars, but color changing stars are not supported. BTW, did you use a Notepad to use XYZ axis? I tried it since then.

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I know about the custom shape, but as you said it doesn’t support custom colours which I use often.
I didn’t use any notepad, but I know it’s the only solution. What I would be looking for is some kind of script where I feed the part into some kind of spreadsheet, do this for all the single layers and then decide how much every single star must be duplicated and rotated (For example the top stars might get rotated 5 times as the radius is much smaller than the central one, think about assembling a real firework) and then output me a text file or the strings with all of the stars output. But as an ignorant person without enough knowledge on coding or spreadsheet creation, I am stuck with just the idea.