It would be absolutely wonderful if there was a [checkbox] on the stepper/firework properties tab that allowed us to select between whether the angles chosen are relative to the position of the lines and points; rather than the world.
Example: I’ve placed 5 lines on my show scene. Each radiating outward from a central point. Choosing what angles to use at the start/end of each stepper line so that they are all the same (relative to each other) is extremely difficult.
Likewise - if I have to move those position lines later - I also have to go into each and every stepper and adjust the angles to match the position changes. That has proven to be exhausting.
Any progress on this topic because it’s really one of the few things that drives me crazy? If anyone has a trick for managing mortar rotation without struggling, I’m all ears.
If you’re using Creative Edition or Pro, there’s some options called Allow changing of “Firework Rotation” and “Allow rotation front/back” in the Preferences.