Here you can find the effects what i made from 2023 until now!
Some effects will be reworked such as Ricasa fireworks.
The old effects will be removed and replaced by new effects!
See here the current effects:
HAMEX pirotehnika: HAMEX pirotehnika – Google Drive
Showtime PSE: Showtime PSE – Google Drive
Goteborgs Fyrverkerifabrik: Göteborgs FyrverkeriFabrik AB – Google Drive
Ricasa Fireworks: Risaca Fireworks – Google Drive
Xena: Xena Effects 2022 – Google Drive
Evolution fireworks: SOON
The follow packs what will be reworked are:
Xena → Ricasa → Goteborgs.
There is now exact date when all these effects are reworked!