FWSim Camera Focal Length?

Hi everyone!

First time posting so I apologise if this is the wrong place :slight_smile:

I am currently attempting to create a show with a mix of Blender and FWSim. However I am struggling to camera match my FWSim show in Blender.

As I am unsure if you can adjust the focal length of the camera in FWSim, does anyone know the default Focal Length of the FWSim Camera?


Hi, and welcome to the FWsim community forum.

In FWsim Pro, you can import a camera move from Blender. Here’s how to do that: The show editor | FWsim User Manual

This will import the camera move and the focal length.

In FWsim Basic or Creative Edition, this import functionality is not available, and there is currently no way to adjust the focal length.

In your case, it sounds like you have a static camera, and you only need to adjust the focal length. That is currently not possible, so I suggest you change the foocal length in Blender instead.

In FWsim, by default you have a vertical field of view (fov) of 52°. That is the same for all camera types (except if you import a camera move, as explained above). Not sure if you can enter this 52° directly into Blender or if some conversion is required - if you are unsure how to convert, feel free to post again.

If your show is finished, let us know! It would be great to see what you can achieve with a combination of Blender and FWsim.

Best Regards,

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Thanks Lukas, I appreciate the help :slight_smile:

For me, in Blender, I found that a focal length of 16mm was the closest I could get to matching the FWSim camera. Its ever so slightly off but not enough that I think it will be vastly noticeable, from my short research a 16mm lense on a full frame sensor gives a 52 degree Vertical FOV. Not sure if it will work consistently for others but thought Id drop this in here in case anyone else tries to do the same thing!

Will be sure to add the show to the forum once I get it finished
