FWsim Community - Welcome

Welcome! You can use this forum to discuss FWsim, fireworks simulation and pyrotechnics in general.

Are you speaking German / Sprechen Sie Deutsch?
For German-language discussion on FWsim and pyrotechnics in general, we recommend our partner site, feuerwerk-forum.de .


Great idea! :smiley:

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Wow! This is the first time I’m in community of FWsim! It’s amazing! Now I can talk to you without sending email! Perfect!

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Emails are kinda old, but still professional! Hahaha!

thanks for the inivitation. i hope that i can shared with everybody my experiencie in fw sim and learn new things.

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hello - i am Yves is invented the new concept of house music in open air and fireworks show

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Hola! Soy Gabriel de España, me alegra estar en una comunidad de aficionados de la pirotecnia a nivel internacional! no soy bueno en hablar otros idiomas ya lo siento pero espero que podamos entendernos jejeje


Yeeeee! Hola y bienvenido


Hii there :smiley:,
Nice to be in a firework community :slight_smile:.


Lukas, Is it possible to add 3d models to a google earth world in FWsim?

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this is not yet possible, but I have added your vote for this to our internal feature wishlist.

Best Regards,

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