Need Info for firework editor

Please help me how to create Cake from 2 brocade crown 50mm. shells ,V shape ,W 30 grad.- only one shot .I tried Z,W,Vout double shape…


can you post a video from the real effect, to show us what you’re looking for exactly?

Best Regards,

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Hi Lukas ,in this case I want to create effect with two 50mm or 60mm shells shooted simultaneously on V shape direction /-15 and + 15 degrees/ ,I am doing that with one ignitor and quick fuse to save one que .Please write me the way how to do that .As I write before on FWSim editor there is no V shape on menu…


I understand. So you want to shoot two shells in V-shape, and use only one igniter? I recommend using the new chains feature in FWsim v3. I’ve made a video showing how to do that:

If you prefer the Cake solution, then please follow this approach: You create a new empty effect, add a “Cake” node. Then add the existing effect you want to the cake. Then, select “Z-Shape”, and set “shots per sweep” to 1. Finally, you set the Interval to 0 - to make them fire at the same time. Here’s a video showing you the entire process:

Please let me know if anything is unclear.

Best Regards,

Thanks for help !I forgot to try with that Z shape option …

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OK ,I have another question…how to create gold catherine wheel 2 m diameter witch rotates horizontally and there are 6 gold fountains /2m/ fixed above it and spread out on 15 degrees and one on vertical direction…time of burning is 60 seconds.

Unfortunately, at the moment it’s not possible to build a catherine wheel like that. I have added “more options for catherine wheel” to our internal wishlist and will let you know when we make improvements to that!

10X!I will wait till next project !