Rack management Docs?

How Do i set up racks in the rack setup section i have 22 7x5 craigco (single shot racks). I have them entered but it say i done have enough racks and doe not assign them.

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thanks for your message.

I’ll have a look at your show and see what’s going on. I will send you a private message with instructions on how you can send your show file to us. Based on that, I will be able to advise you how to solve this.

Please note that the rack management features are still under development, and currently they only support simple scenarios. I’ll do my best to find a solution for your usecase.

Best Regards,


@mreidiv and me discussed this issue via private message.

The problem is that FWsim does not currently support single-shot racks with flexible angles. This is of course a rather big deficiency, since these racks are quite popular.

We plan to support these racks in a future update, however we do not have a timeframe for that yet.

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