Small positions bug

Hey @Lukas !

I’m trying to create my show for NYE and it’s impossible to do it because the positions icons are too small! The mortars are also really small and I can’t even see the stepper arrows! Could you help me out? Here are some screenshots! Thanks!


thanks for posting.

FWsim automatically makes the positinos smaller if they are close together.

Is it possible that somewhere, you have two positionsn that are very close together? For example, maybe you have two positions right on top of each other?

Best Regards,

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Actually I copied and pasted the same positions I use for every London show that I did that always worked! But the steppers are also really small! If you look on the pictures, you can see that the mortars are almost invisible from far!

And when I add a position line (not a point), the line is almost invisible because it is too small! It is impossible to adjust the stepper’s positioning!

Thanks for the additional information.

We have a new beta in which the problem might be solved. Are you interested to try it? I sent you a private message regarding that.

Best Regards,

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Ok! I’ll answer you there! Thanks a lot for the attention!