Star bugs?(with crossset)

When I put a crossset on a star, the star appears to shimmer.
It is the same as when using a large star.
Version is
The left is the star with crossset and the right is the star without crossset.

By the way, I strongly wish to be able to change the color of the star about 10 times. I am very happy to be able to change the color of a star 4 times recently, but I would like to change it even more.

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Thanks for reporting, and welcome to the Community Forum.

This behaviour is intentional. We added this last month to simulate how real crossette stars behave. All crossette stars flicker to some degree, because they are small tubes that rotate. Here’s some real life videos for comparison:

If you think FWsim should simulate things differently, let us know!

Best Regards,

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soon i ll be creating some argento cakes

This “flicker” effect is awesome! I started using this (by adding crossettes with no sound nor lifetime nor colour) to have this on Dahlia-type effects or multiflash but also to give some “flavour” to the fireworks overall. I used this combination in the first two shells of this test video (Trying out the possibilities of getting 4K, 60FPS and HDR10 with FWsim)

This is another of my “impossible” requests, but since it has been made for crossettes, would it be possible to have the flicker effect on the regular stars as well with the “intensity” and “frequency” of flicker as parameters?

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We currently have this as an internal parameter, across all effects. I understand you would like to have this parameter adjustable for each “Stars” node individually?

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Thanks for the reply.
It is amazing that you were able to reproduce it in such detail.
However, I am sorry to say that I have been using it differently from the original crosette for quite a long time to express the flicker of the fireworks as they disappear, so the balance of all these shells has been lost.
If it is possible to reduce the flickering by manipulating internal parameters, I would be happy to learn how to edit them.

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Yes, exactly. I know it could be hard, but as a starter, could it be an option like the enable/disable strobing? There are so many things which are “global” which would be great to have on a firework-level, such as the shell height explosion inaccuracy or explosion size variation.

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Thanks for the suggestions!

You can edit the “graphics.xml” file in the FWsim install directory. There you will find the crossette flickering under:


Please note that this file will be overwritten every time FWsim updates.

Best Regards,

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I immediately edited “graphics.xml” and got the fireworks I like.
Thank you very much.