Trouble with getting steppers to run in circles

Hi Lukas, I’ve noticed an issue with steppers no longer being able to run around in circles. For example, this helped massively especially with positions on the London Eye but I noticed the feature now gets steppers to run in a straight line despite having the other positions selected.

Hopefully this image shows what I’m trying to explain. Any help would be massively appreciated!

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I’m experiencing the same issue, I have version installed. Can’t remember if it still worked as intended on, but it for sure worked on

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Thanks for the notice. This problem will be fixed tomorrow.

Best Regards,

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Thanks for reporting. A bugfix will be released shortly, it will have version number

Please let me know if that solves the problem.

(on Steam, the bugfix will be released tomorrow)

Best Regards,

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I tested it and it seems to be fixed, thank you for the quick fix!

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Thank you Lukas, the bugfix works perfectly!!!

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