Tutorial: How to build realistic Popping Flowers in FWsim

In FWsim there is only one real option to add crackling - the popping flowers. However, in reality there are far more crackling effects than the typical popping flowers. E.g. Silver & Gold Crackling, Crackle, Crackle Rip, Gold & Silver Popping Flowers, Crackling Lance, Crackling Tail …
As you can see - almost unlimited options for fireworks, which can not really be implemented in FWsim … or can they?

In this tutorial I will show you how you can make the popping flower effect more realistic!

Let’s have a look at one real popping flower effect:

The Popping Flowers in FWsim already look relatively realistic, but there is still a bit of upward movement. If you look at this effect in reality, the ejected stars from the Popping Flowers glow much longer and more irregularly than simulated in FWsim.

FWsim Simulation without improvements:

However, there is a simple option here: We add a tail that only generates sparks when the Popping Flowers effect is also simulated.
This means for Silver Popping Flowers:
1) We add a popping flower effect (in silver by default)
2) We add a silver tail to the (same!) Stars, which we edit as follows:
⦁ Our tail starts after 99% and ends after 100%
⦁ The density is 5-10, the width 15
⦁ The burning time is relatively short (0.1-0.4), the variance is around 150%
⦁ The sparks are slightly larger than normal (120-150%)

Furthermore you can click on “crackle” to add a very crispy crackling sound to your effect.

Screenshot of my FWsim settings for a simple Popping Flowers effect:

Through the settings, we support the FWsim Popping Flower effect with additional sparks that make the effect look more realistic. Try it out or take a look at one of my Popping Flower Effects by downloading the extra effects and choosing the author “Marcus Athmer” for the effect selection. Now look for an effect with “Popping Flowers” in the search bar.

Improved Popping Flower effect/ aftergolw of the improved effect:

Did the tutorial help you? Are you interested in simulating the other types of crackling? Let me know!


This is an excellent tutorial. I know this effect as timerain crackle.

I don’t know if there has been a change to density, but I think that it needs to be much higher. It seems to work as particles per second and with the tail set to 1% of the lifetime it emits less than one spark per star.

If you add several sparks in different shades of gold, you can get a decent gold effect.

I don’t know about anybody else, but I would like to se more tutorials like this.