FWsim 3.5 Beta Feedback

Thanks for the report, this has been fixed in update .323.

I don’t quite understand what you mean - can you check again if this still happens in .323?

Most of the reported problems have been fixed. Some problems in edge cases still remain, we plan to address those over the course of next week. If any further problems appear, please post here or send me a message. Thanks everyone for testing - your feedback is very much appreciated!

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  • FWsim is crashed again while trying to load some standard 3D models/worlds, sent a report.
  • The ground or water region needs to be stretched larger.
  • The color-changing on lighting is not working.
  • The Bengal Flames did not fade-in again.
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When I checked in Effect Editor, I pressed a space bar and I realized that the stars duration is 1.5 and 2.1, but it cuts the shortening the time and turns invisible automatically.

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After FWsim 3.5 has been fully released, I can finally manage to disable Explosion Sparks in my every specific effects.

Well done, everyone!


Experiencing crash at startup again, with error ArgumentException, An item with the same key has already been added. Key: FWSim.Update.UsageKey
Occurred not right after the update, but after restarting the PC.

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I like the update, the 3D maps world is truly beautiful, but to me, the effects, whether it’s the comet, cake, or shell, seem a bit too bright. I wonder if it could be toned down a little in terms of brightness?

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I am using Microstars and it is still too bright!

You’d better change the brightness under graphics.xml file

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Thanks for your feedback. We have received that feedback from multiple people and will be making adjustments over the course of next week. Most likely we will also add a brightness setting.

We do not recommend that solution. You could go ahead and edit all your effects to use Microstars, but then next week when we make improvements your edits might become unnecessary. Also, we optimize microstars to look quite different from sparks, and they might not look like you want them to look.

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Thanks for reporting. Which version are you using? If your version number still starts with “3.4”, please update to 3.5. If you are already on 3.5, then please enter your email address into the crash report so it gets sent to us.

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I was using the latest, 3.5 version I installed - I managed to solve the problem by deleting the folder in Documents, then it started without issues.


In today’s update, we have added an option to change the amount of glow in the Preferences. Are you able to get a look that you like after adjusting this slider?

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What about the stars in color multi change in “Custom Shape” distribution?

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Hi @Lukas !

I sent you a private message, but I don’t think you saw it, so I’ll post it here!

First of all, I’d like to say that I loved the new update! But I’m having some trouble with the Real Locations function: the quality of the models are pretty low! Here is a screenshot:

Is there something I could do make the quality better? My preferences are in Very High.

Thanks a lot!

That’s what they called “Data”. If you point the center of coordinate, the quality of the models is high but from the distance, it is low. He’s gonna put a limitations for how much data can be set. I don’t know if anyone heard of it, but there’s a very cool Blender Add-on made by Imagiscope Tech to imports real location from Google Earth and the models are very high quality. It’s still in development and not released yet, but we can’t wait to see what is looks like inside FWsim:

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That it will be a great idea for the future update! I hope Lukas will work on that to make it perfect.

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I have to report another crash at startup after the latest update. The log says
CompilationException, Program Files (x86)\FWsim\bin\memory(2,1): error X3000: Illegal character in shader file

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He’s currently updating but it’s been delayed

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Is it possible to have a direct link to the previous update somehow, or is it worth waiting for the new update?

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Unfortunately not, he can’t make previous downloads links because he overwrite the installer every time after he made some changes

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