FWsim 3.5 Beta Feedback

I see. Thank you for letting me know. It’s a shame since I wanted to work on a project, but I guess it will have to wait the next days. Thank you nevertheless.

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Alright, the new version just came out

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That was fast. Thank you!
Now, to stay in line with the topic, I can confirm that the disable launch effect and disable explosion sparks is great, to me it means super-customizable mortars incoming!

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It’s on our list, but will need some more time to fix.

FWsim loads a circle of maximum quality around the coordinates that you enter. Currently, that is a circle of 200m radius. If the building with bad quality is within 200m of these coordinates, it will be loaded at the highest quality. Outside of it, the quality gets progressively lower.

Please note that in some areas, even the center areas look quite blurry. This is because of the quality of the data we get from Google, there is nothing we can do about that.

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much better, thank you!

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Bonjour désolé c’est en Français ^^

bug au niveau de l’image personnalisée

quand on la met et qu’on modifie un produit l’image personnalisé disparait et il est impossible de remettre une image personnalisée par la suite dans le fichier

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même soucis si on reduit la taille de la fenêtre de simulation

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Thanks for reporting @Vincent_Blot1!

I can confirm this bug: When you add a custom image through the Scenery settings, and then change the size of the timeline, the custom image disappears.

I will post back here when we have a solution.

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I have an issue about stars phases tabs in the Effect Editor, when I remove a phase, it’s like it remove the wrong tab index after I switched the component so it’s shown an error.

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This problem has been fixed. The bugfix will be go online for FWsim Pro (beta) in 20min. The version number is

Thanks, will investigate. (Might take a bit longer due to vacation)

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It seems there is a bug in In the fireworks editor, the value for the shell diameter is stuck at 0. If you move the slider, the value does not change, and if you play the animation, the slider jumps back to the beginning. In addition, if you type in the desired value, then play the animation, the number reverts back to 0.

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@Jediah_Tau Thanks for letting me know. I just checked, and on my computer everything works. So I’ll need to dig a bit deeper to find out why there are problems on your computer. Can you send me a video of that problem?

You could use this software to record a video: https://screenpal.com/
I suggest you send the video link via private message to me.

Best Regards,

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Or maybe OBS Studio is better, and there’s a weird issue in effects selection thumbnails:

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Hi @Lukas, I just emailed you with my screen recording.

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I can confirm the bug with the stretched effects in the thumbnail. It started doing so with the 3.5 version.

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Thanks everyone. I’m out of the office this week, will look at the issue with @Jediah_Tau as well as the stretched thumbnails when I get back.

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Hey FWSim Team! I just downloaded version and I have immediately noticed some color shifting that seems really odd. It’s particularly bad on willow effects; I’ve put a screenshot in showing the difference. On the left is my fireworks show in the FWsim display editor with version; on the right is a video export of the exact same display at the same point on the timeline from a previous version ( I think, or it could be The video export shows the fireworks exactly how the display editor showed them in the previous version, minus the smoke.

To me, the gold has been blown out white and the darker browns have turned red. Not sure what is causing this; it doesn’t seem to be related to the glow effect as I put the glow slider in preferences down to 0 and it doesn’t change anything about the color. This issue is present on all the firework effects with tails but is most noticeable with willows.
I would really like to see this fixed as I really appreciated the gorgeous willows in the previous version.
In addition, I notice the ground seems to have changed; you may be able to tell in the picture that the repeats on the pattern have increased dramatically, making it stand out and the 3D world seems like it is almost floating.
This is less of an issue but it’s still bugging me, especially given how seamless the previous version appeared.

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Hello, while I cannot speak for certainty, I resolved this issue of getting more consistent colours by using microstars instead of sparks for the willows. I export in 4K, so a word of advice, colours will look brighter in 4K than in 1080. I realize converting some fireworks to the new feature may take some time, but I can guarantee the result is absolutely worth it.
Here’s a version of a willow made out with microstar-type particles, in the 4k export version.

I hope this helps!

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Meaby you can use this


Moving Willow effect: https://youtube.com/clip/Ugkxjx5p-As8LLsSiad5XguEvNJl3_wg2aM8?si=V4wbrwgHkeNCPGCd

I’m having some trouble with the crossettes! They are white, no matter what color I choose, and the strobe is not working! @Lukas