How to make a controbomba

do you guys know how to make this effect called controbomba

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I’ve been trying to make different types of Stutata shells, but the issue with FWsim right now is that you cannot make a vertical-type multi-break shell. You can definitely try to get a similar result, but I do not know of proper solutions.
Nevertheless, you can attempt to make the single individual parts or a “fake” pre-assembled effect, but the perspective is key. This is what I could come up with.

The actual final controbomba effect is easy though, as it is a set of xsmall and spark-type stars with position and speed randomness. The two rings have a custom farfalle tail and the second one is rotated to 30 degrees to simulate the two rings used in the firework manufacture. (sadly no parallel rings, but works to a certain extent)

Some time ago I proposed this in a thread. Please visit it and you might find some additional information.


thank you very much i ve been really struggling

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I obtained a very realistic effect after years of trying. Create a shell with high launch speed, then add an explosion very soon in the timeline to simulate the opening one. Then ad another explosion with sound and colour disabled and a low explosive power, add to this a shell of shells with low shells speed. You can add more than one of this. Then add the controbomba

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I submitted a pack with lot of stutata shells to the online library some time ago. I wish it will be published soon.


i m trying but this effect seems to be a bit hard

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What do you mean ? What’s the problem?


making a controbomba is the problem i m trying to understand

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i guess now i was able to make it

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I guess that after the software gets to a good point on the creation of more professional version features - remember that FWsim after all IS a professional fireworks show designer! - there might be a focus on adding more realistic features (both for the sake of enthusiasts and professionals). On these threads, I published a list of elements that would help create a real stutata.

[Feature request] Non-Inherit velocity toggle for SoS - #8 by Mangmod Non-Inherit velocity for shell of shells (So they don’t look like they are falling immediately)

Cylindrical Shell Explosions (Which is how a stutata is formed, with many sub-cylindrical shells)

I hope it helps!


thank you yes it helped

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